Forums - cvs2: anyone got anything on rolento?? Show all 134 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- cvs2: anyone got anything on rolento?? ( Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:26:2001 05:16 AM: cvs2: anyone got anything on rolento?? anyone know his b&b combo cuz i cant figure one out and need help, maybe some strats tnx Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 10:26:2001 07:51 AM: Cross up is jumping MK, bread and butter LOL crouch mk into qcf+p x3 LOL thats about it i really dont think Rolento is a bread and butter person mostly a poking guy, you can do some much fucking mixing into his game its not even funny with 2kicks flips hcb+p rolls hcb+k jump off walls, zone the shit of people with kives, level 3 and 2 super hang man shit is a killer man if someone is poke happy super DAMN so much damage, kick throw is the badest looking throw IMO in the game its so hard to write a fucking strat on him he has to much shit rush down, turtle whatever too much invent some shit...oh C.Fp is also pritty good. any specific questions ??? it would be better i can try to answer them if you have any??? Posted by Azrael-sama on 10:27:2001 06:41 AM: Like Terry said, anything specific? I liked Rolento in A3, so I am using him in CvS2...I'm finding that you can do a decent rushdown with him. I like can add pressure with the run and small jump, and if you're good at JD'ing, you can always be raged which is very dangerous for your opponent. Other than that, Rolento is a poking character, so you really have to rely on his speed and his pokes. -Az Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:27:2001 07:33 AM: .. like wat are his pokes, and wat the hell is his knife super for??? i use him in c groove lvl 1 with kyo and iori Posted by GeekBoy on 10:27:2001 05:40 PM: s.FP, c.FP, c.LP, s.LP are good pokes, c.MK is decent as well, s.FP is good for whacking people, it's got range and does some heavy guard damage. Posted by Bastion on 10:27:2001 05:43 PM: s.Jab, s.Fierce, s.Forward, c.jab, c. Strong, c.Fierce, c.Forward, c.Roundhouse, j.Jab, j.Strong, j.Fierce, j.Forward These are the normals I use when I play Rolento. j.Jab beats EVERYTHING that isn't a Special move, I've even had it trade with Iori's uppercut. Walking towards opponent mashing Jab is still useful and annoying. His s.Fierce has amazing range and ok priority, just watch out, his baton has a hit box. It can take a Shinkuu'll never touch Rolento but his baton will take it like a bitch. Use the Stinger(dp+k,k)just watch out for fast jumpers like Benimaru. If you do the Mekong Delta Escape (qcb+K) remember you have complete control over where you go. It's great to runaway as well as begin a rushdown. Once you do the wall jump you can hold back for a second then hold toward, this increases the speed at which you move toward through the air giving Rolento a little extra surprise with an attack that is pretty easy to see coming. If it looks like your opponent is going to try something like a DP then do d+Forward, it'll bring you down and you can punish them how you please. The Mekong Delta Raid (qcb+P), God this move bugs me. I think it MIGHT be a possible anti-air, but it needs to be done in advance, a lot of advance. I use it as an escape from air attacks, by doing the Fierce version you'll roll back far enough, usually the immediate reaction to an enemy is to re-jump in, this time I'm expecting it and I do js.Jab and take them from the air. The roll will go under fireballs, experiment. I found out you can parry the first hit of a Shinkuu Hadoken then do the Delta Raid, you'll roll under the other hits, this isn't amazingly useful but its something to know. With his Trick landing (KKK as you land) you can go over ground fireballs and other low hitting moves like Spiral Arrow, but don't expect a Cammy player to try and Spiral Arrow you when your hoping like a fool. The Mekong Delta Attack (PPP,P), useless? Um, Maybe. It recovers quickly, but I dont do it enough to know the properties of it. It goes under fireballs, I know that, but Rolento has other anti-fireball options. Fireballs like Hadokens, or ground Fireballs shouldn't aren't even a concern for Rolento All his attacks offer some mobility and his command jump clears fireballs in a snap. His best super is the Level 3 Take no Prisoners, his most damaging is the Level 3 Mine Sweeper. The Mine Sweeper is used as anti-air, but you have to be psychic, you basically have to do the qcbx2+p command the exact moment the opponent jumps at you, not when they are at the peak of their jump. The knife Super...don't bother. Unless you are playing N mode and have three stocks, some people seem to think that you need to block the knife super high, so when they jump do the knife super, they will land and block high (cause they are idiots), then break a stock and do a Level 3 take no Prisoners. They will scream "TRAP", until they realize they don't need to block high. All Rolento's Supers need to be parried all at once by the way. Rolento has lots of options, that is where he excels. If anyone finds anything interesting and you want to share it cause you aren't saving it for a tournament or something then please post it here. edit: Somethings to add. I started playing in C mode, but I wanted short jump. So I switched to N, but I wanted Dash and a Level 3 that I could sit on, there is NOTHING worse then playing as Rolento and having you opponent throw a fireball from fullscreen and not being able to TNP (Take No Prisoners) their ass. So a Imoved to P mode. P mode combines Short Jump, Dash, and a perservable Level 3, the parry also gives him an solid anti-air. But, you soon realize how amazing the roll is. So I'm playing A groove right now. Just experimenting. I still need to understand what Run does for him, I haven't gotten that far yet. Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:27:2001 06:34 PM: .. wow tnx for all the help guys Posted by H.A.M.M on 10:28:2001 01:35 AM: lol not me!!!!! jajajaja STOP SPAMMING O U WILL BE BANNED FOOL. Posted by Bastion on 10:28:2001 05:15 PM: I was playing around last night, and I found some new stuff (new to myself anyway). I'm playing N mode now. I can use run to manuever out of people like Benimaru who have a high jump arc for their cross-up. I was using the mekong delta raid as a way to get back in on my opponent, I'd make them block "Jab, Jab, Jab, Forward, then I buffered into the qcb+Fierce Delta raid. When I did this I looked to see what the opponent would do, you only have like .5 seconds to decide so you kinda just have to rely on instinct, -If I saw them about to jump I did nothing, letting the Delta Raid roll complete then jumped straight up and Jabbed them out of the air, if I thought they might parry the Jab then instead I'd do js.Strong making them have to parry three hits. -If I thought they would try a Shoryuken or one of the many knock-offs I'd press Jab during the Dleta raid roll, this fakes the opponent out, because you used the Jab version you won't go far enough for them to actually hit you. -Otherwise I just used a qcb+Fierce, Fierce to re-apply pressure. This isn't a trap or anything, and the opponent catches on eventually, but it is just another thing for Rolento to do to mix up his game a little. Come on people discuss Rolento!! The rest of this site bores me. Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:28:2001 06:07 PM: .. how would u use the grenade super?? for anti air? and how about the kick super where he throws knives?? Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 10:28:2001 06:13 PM: youve pritty much sumed it up buddy but that super Take no prisoner im assuming is that hang man shit...i use that super level 2 and level 3 to catch people poking when people start poking bam super... also Rolento in C groove builds meter so freaking fast that you might foget that you already have a level 2 or 3 so pay attention and use his supers smart and often because he builds fast Posted by noswad on 10:28:2001 06:19 PM: Grenade super is very risky anti-air super.. You have to do it early so they don't land first. It's also his main CC ender. Knife super? Bah.. fuck that.. tripwire super is even better because you can combo it now. the delta raid is cool now that you can combo after it.. i usualy just play a psuedo A3 Rolento tho. and CC when i have the opportunity.. heh, that does really help you much does it? Sorry. Posted by Bastion on 10:28:2001 06:34 PM: Re: .. quote: Originally posted by ThE CRoW how would u use the grenade super?? for anti air? and how about the kick super where he throws knives?? The Grenade supe is used as anti-air. But you have to execute the command before the opponent reaches the height of his jump. So you are basically predicting the opponents jump. It is hard but if fools keep getting into a specific distance to try for a cross-up then you can observe this, when they get into position really be looking for it when you see the first frame of jump animation execute the super. You also have to take into consideration the opponents jump arc and speed, its easier against Dhalsim or someone else that is slow. The super has alot of invincibility (level 2 or higher) so you could potentially use this as a anti- Blanka ball, Honda head butt, Balrog dash punch, any rush move. But you, again, are required to be psychic. If only there wasn't a second of start up, then this Super would be so good. The knife super, only comes out when you don't want it to because you never want it to. I can see how in S mode it might be considered cool to keep doing the Steel Rain from fullscreen to try and pin the opponent down. But, I still haven't seen any use for it. The damage is about the equalivent of two s.Roundhouses. The only safe time to do this super is when they are far away or at the peak of their jump, so if there gaurd meter is about to be broken and you have 3 levels then you could do the a lvl 1 Steel rain at the peak of the opponents jump, the knives should be landing on them the moment they land so they are forced to block, causing the gaurd crush, and letting you land a lvl.2 Take NO Prisoners. So basically the Steel Rain is just meant to be a annoying little device to set-up and pin the opponent down. Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:28:2001 07:39 PM: .. cool tnx , is there anything else i need to know bout rol??, and who else do u guys use?? Posted by Bastion on 10:28:2001 08:23 PM: I'm doing homework right now, and I need a break so I'll give you something else to try out. Legend "->" means buffer. What is in the bold set of brackets "[x]*n" means repeat for as long as you want. What is in orange are commands. Crossover Lockdown__> With the opponent gaurding. C.Jab, c.Jab, c.Forward -> KKK, While you are in the air, If the opponent stands, do j.Strong, if the opponent remains crounching do j.d+Forward. Also experiment with Fierce and Roundhouse, they may have a desired effect. You can basically keep repeating this over and over. Eventually the opponent will either become frustrated and beg to trade hits with anything they can, - or accidently let you land a c.Forward which you should use to combo in to the Patriot Circle or a Take NO Prisoners, - or they will completely choke and end up being gaurd crushed by your elite skills (do I need to tell you to super them in this situation?), - or they will perform some misc. option like Gaurd Countering, or Gaurd Rolling. Don't forget to mix things up, it is probally the best Rolento advice anyone can give. If your in the third rotation your opponent is probally wising up to what you are doing, so this time buffer into one of the Mekong Delta's. I prefer the Delta Raid because it gets a speed bonus from buffering into it, as well it can start the lockdown again if the opponent blocks it. Or if they get hit you can combo into Take no Prisoners. And you can decide if you just want to roll back, or if you want to attack. Keep your options open. If the opponent is in the corner and blocking try this. s.Jab, s.Jab, c.Forward -> KKK, j.Strong, [s.Jab or c.Forward or s.Jab, C. Forward -> KKK]*n If they don't block the j.Strong then you can combo into c.Forward when you land. Also dont forget that you can always buffer into the Mekong Delta Raid to mix things up, the great thing is after a Delta raid you can continue the lockdown. Rolento is fucking great. But by all means share stuff you've created, no matter how silly you may think it is, I want to hear everything about Rolento people have to say. I don't play against every character, I have no idea what to do against Raiden, or Nakoruru, so just blurt out anything you notice while playing. Reading random info about rolento is better than reading no info. Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:29:2001 12:11 AM: .. i dont play against people yet so i wouldnt know but against cp's im not that bad, with grabbers i just try to avoid contact so i use ppp or kkk most of the time, and if they miss a grab punish them with the string super lvl 3 since theres no point in doing a lvl 2 or 1 cuz u cant combo it, nakoruru is just a plain pain in the ass, she always gets me with that slide move, so i just roll when i have to i try to avoid using his downforwad punch move since the lag is just impossible to deal with, leaves u open for anything, but none the less its fun playing him sometimes i mock the cp with the taunt but usually get punish for it,which is kinda funny, so anyways dats all i got pretty lame huh, well with rock or geese or ryu its pretty obvious that jumping can be dangerous, but then again tricky so anyways hope dat was sumtin to read about probably not but hey u asked for it right, and one last thing, u get any trouble beatin bison on lvl 4? cuz last time i played i got him to half life with a ratio one rolento kinda weird but anyways dats it -CRoW Posted by Bronzefist on 10:29:2001 12:23 AM: NICE stuff Bastion!!! I never thought of buffering his KKK jump. So I take it you can buffer it like a special move? Wow, just imagine the possibilities! Could Rolento do this in the other games? I don't recall ever hearing about it... I'll try to contribute when I actually get good with him. I'm just startign to learn him so this thread is a big help. I got a question do you combat jump-ins when you're stuck in the corner??? I have alot of problems keeping peeps from jumping all over me after I get knocked down in the corner. I know his standing fierce has a nice vertical reach, but its too slow. I'm trying to deal with people who are jumping directly over me (not from a distance). Thanks, Bronze Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 10:29:2001 01:22 AM: some interesting stuff you can do is when you are poking with c. lp do about 2 of them then do the DP+k knive throw REALLY low off the ground so they have to do it then do it again it causes brain freezes then you f+kk into something...he has crazy mixes ups. also you dont need to hit 3 kicks you can do it with 2 kicks as well. Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:29:2001 01:34 AM: .. ok im confused wat do u guys mean by buffer??? is it cancel? and who do u guys use with rolento? Posted by Bastion on 10:29:2001 01:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry some interesting stuff you can do is when you are poking with c. lp do about 2 of them then do the DP+k knive throw REALLY low off the ground so they have to do it then do it again it causes brain freezes then you f+kk into something...he has crazy mixes ups. also you dont need to hit 3 kicks you can do it with 2 kicks as well. Ya, you can use 2 punches for Delta attack, and 2 kicks for the command jump. But its safer to use three. If you accidently slip and one of your fingers misses the button then your other two are still going to execute the move you want. It is just safer. Posted by Bastion on 10:29:2001 02:00 AM: Re: .. quote: Originally posted by ThE CRoW ok im confused wat do u guys mean by buffer??? is it cancel? and who do u guys use with rolento? You might call it cancel. Another example would be Ryu's c.Forward -> Hadoken It is the process by which you cancel a normal move into a special move. Posted by Bronzefist on 10:29:2001 03:55 AM: Wow, thanks for the help man. I usually find myself in the first scenario, but I'll try your suggestions next time I play. I dont have a definitive groove yet for Rolento. I play alot of K groove but I don't really like him that much in it so far. I thinking about using him in S groove for a couple of reasons: 1) I want to have an "S groove team." This is more personal than anything. I'm thinking S groove Rolento and Vice will be decent. 2) I want to experiment more with the delayed get up. This applies to my game in general (not just Rolento). I think delayed get-up should serve him well in order to avoid cross-ups and whatever other nasty shit your opponent has planned on your wakeup. 3) Unlimited grenade supers when low on life. I don't know how well this'll work, but it could be a nice deterent to jumping opponents. Since it'll be a lvl 1 super, it might not have good priority though...I'll just have to test and see. 4) Rolento's good manuverability will open up more opportunities for charging his meter. I'm thinking qcb+P a few times to get you across the screen where you can charge safely. It might work, I dunno. So as you can see my S-Rolento is entirely based on theory. Maybe he'll work... I got another question: if you guard break somebody is a lvl 1 qcf,qcf+P fast enough? Just curious. Thanks again for the help Bastion. Peace, Bronze Posted by Bastion on 10:29:2001 04:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by Bronzefist Wow, thanks for the help man. snip So as you can see my S-Rolento is entirely based on theory. Maybe he'll work... I got another question: if you guard break somebody is a lvl 1 qcf,qcf+P fast enough? Just curious. Thanks again for the help Bastion. Peace, Bronze First, good luck with S mode. I was thinking the exact same thing as you about 2 weeks ago. Unlimeted knife supers from far away, grenade anti-air. The dodge as anti-air, run, short hop. I just got frustrated, so I stopped experimenting in S mode. It takes so much getting used to. Everytime I try S mode I always over use dodge and get punished, then I stop using dodge and start playing S mode like C mode, I even forget I have unlimited supers. I just didn't stick with it long enough to condition myself into the S mode mentality. Good luck, tell me how it works out. I'm playing a combination of Rolento, Vice, Kyosuke (determined to make this sucker good), and I always play Blanka or Zangief when Im bored. As far as grooves go, I use N, C, P. P mode is a amazing choice for Rolento for a number of reasons, but I'll only get into that if someone wants me to. Now for your question. "Can Rolento capitalize on a gaurd break with a level 1 Take no Prisoners?" Short answer, yes, long answer, no. It is all situational. If you are as close as you can be and you gaurd break with a jab then you'll be able to land a lvl 1 TNP. If you are at maximum range and you guard break with s.Fierce then your chances are much lower, in fact I don't believe you can. This is the downside to S mode in my opinion. Rolento with a lvl 3 is something to be feared, everything becomes punishable with a lvl 3 TNP. But I'm not saying this to discourage you from S mode. Just make people fear S-Rolento some other way. Rolento can combo into his level 1 TNP if you connect with any of his short jump moves. If you throw a Steel Rain then you can have half a S bar filled by the time they come down. It's interesting. Posted by noswad on 10:29:2001 04:55 AM: YO yo yo! I wanna hear P-Groove stuff. I can't play p worth a shit (i've picked it maybe twice), but Rolento is one of the characters that I would play in P. It would be nice to have a damn good stop-anything type of move for Rol. I usually get jacked up just trying to land a parry tho so P ain't working yet. To win I have to stop parrying and then it's "damn, why didn't I pick A-Rolento?" Posted by noswad on 10:29:2001 05:07 AM: BTW: that's a cool vid in your sig.. is that radiohead? Posted by AZER on 10:29:2001 05:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by Bastion s.Jab, s.Jab, c.Forward -> KKK, j.Strong, [s.Jab or c.Forward or s.Jab, C. Forward -> KKK]*n If they don't block the j.Strong then you can combo into c.Forward when you land. Also dont forget that you can always buffer into the Mekong Delta Raid to mix things up, the great thing is after a Delta raid you can continue the lockdown. Rolento is fucking great. But by all means share stuff you've created, no matter how silly you may think it is, I want to hear everything about Rolento people have to say. I don't play against every character, I have no idea what to do against Raiden, or Nakoruru, so just blurt out anything you notice while playing. Reading random info about rolento is better than reading no info. Nice Bastion. Okay I guess I'll share a bit of my Rolento from what I learned so far. My team for the moment is Eagle(1)/Rolento(2)/Rock(1) Reason why I quoted that part of your strategy is because I have something similar to it. It's a bit of a different pattern but the same concept. While opponent blocking... s.lp, s.lp, s.lp,, HK Stinger, walk a few stpes, s.lp, c.lp, HK Stinger, Scouter Jump(KKK), while KKK press mp or short jump mp... I just add a few Stingers because sometimes they try to roll out of the Stingers and that can let me land a, Patriot Circle or simply grab them. When you throw the Stingers you have to tap HK quickly or else you'll go way to high and when you land you might get hit. It's a nice strategy that I use. Takes quite a bit off the opponent's gurad meter. This is a nice pattern because you can mix it up with different moves such as or short jump mp etc. Also if I knock them down with a slide) or I grab them or something, I go for Mekong Escape, and come down with a deep mp (qcb+hk, then I do this because when the opponent is on the ground, and they don't tech roll, Rolento will bounce off the wall and come in with a deep which will be hard to counter. I'm not sure if you can counter this but I tried it a few times on opponents and it worked. Another thing when the opponent is knock down in the corner, and low on their guard meter, right before they get up I jump in deep with a j.hp, land,, Patriot Circle. The opponent will be forced to block it and if there low guard meter then you just broken there meter and do whatever you want for free. Well that pretty much what I learned with Rolento this week. I'll let you know more next time I get to play CvS2. XX Take No Prisoners(any level) owns. BTW I have to agree with you Bastion. Rolento is fucking great. Let me know about what you think and give me some opinions and stuff. Posted by Bastion on 10:29:2001 05:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by AZER BTW I have to agree with you Bastion. Rolento is fucking great. Let me know about what you think and give me some opinions and stuff. Hey! Interesting about what you've found concerning the Delta Escape, j.Strong. I'm gonna test some stuff tomorrow and comment on everything you've said. I've got so much bloody art homework due in, oh, about 8 hours. Posted by AZER on 10:29:2001 05:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Bastion Hey! Interesting about what you've found concerning the Delta Escape, j.Strong. I'm gonna test some stuff tomorrow and comment on everything you've said. I've got so much bloody art homework due in, oh, about 8 hours. Okay cool. Just remember to do the Delta Escape, j.Strong after you knock down your opponent not when they are standing. Do the Delta Escape motion the second they hit the floor. I appreciate you going out and checking if what I said works 100%. It's real hard to find out if some stuff works because I'm like in the middle of a match and trying to win. I wish I had the home version of the game and some sticks. Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 10:29:2001 07:22 AM: ahhh PAUL VAN DYKE a really good trance artist...anyway i what ratio do you guys tend to put ROLENTO ass, i ONLY put him in Ratio 1 i think that he does GOOD damage as a ratio and hurts others peoples teams a lot so i leave the ratio 2 spot left for someone else...i would use ROLENTO as ratio 2 but why when i can get almost the same effect out of him as a ratio 1???..... im outi going to sleep now after doing stupid spanish 102 homework...thats called gay...I HATE SPANISH!!! Posted by Bastion on 10:29:2001 03:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by AZER My team for the moment is Eagle(1)/Rolento(2)/Rock(1) I tried playing Eagle ofr a while. I just couldn't make him work. How is he for you? Do you do ok with him? Not asking for strategy or anything, just wondering how you'd rate him. quote: Originally posted by AZER ...I have something similar to it. It's a bit of a different pattern but the same concept. While opponent blocking... s.lp, s.lp, s.lp,, HK Stinger, walk a few stpes, s.lp, c.lp, HK Stinger, Scouter Jump(KKK), while KKK press mp or short jump mp... I just add a few Stingers because sometimes they try to roll out of the Stingers and that can let me land a, Patriot Circle or simply grab them. When you throw the Stingers you have to tap HK quickly or else you'll go way to high and when you land you might get hit. It's a nice strategy that I use. Takes quite a bit off the opponent's gurad meter. This is a nice pattern because you can mix it up with different moves such as or short jump mp etc. I just high lighted that one sentence because one of the items I forgot to mention is that the majority of teams I play against are P groove. So when I'm in training mode creating stuff and testing stuff out my mind is focussed on, what happens if this is parried, I don't even usually consider rolling. Now I will, and now I'm going to consider the possibilities of your scenario. quote: Originally posted by AZER Also if I knock them down with a slide) or I grab them or something, I go for Mekong Escape, and come down with a deep mp (qcb+hk, then I do this because when the opponent is on the ground, and they don't tech roll, Rolento will bounce off the wall and come in with a deep which will be hard to counter. I'm not sure if you can counter this but I tried it a few times on opponents and it worked. Another thing when the opponent is knock down in the corner, and low on their guard meter, right before they get up I jump in deep with a j.hp, land,, Patriot Circle. The opponent will be forced to block it and if there low guard meter then you just broken there meter and do whatever you want for free. Well that pretty much what I learned with Rolento this week. I'll let you know more next time I get to play CvS2. I know you already know everything Im going to say, don't take it personally, Im not patronizing you, just repeating it for everyone else. Ya that works. Of coarse there are variables. If you are knocking down with the slide you need to hit the opponent with the very tip of Rolento's hit box, therefore allowing Rolento to recover quickly and perform the Delta Escape. You can do this "Meaty Delta Escape" technique off any of his throws. Situations where this isn't reliable are against the Shoryuken. If the opponent can perform reversal Shoryukens as he gets up then your screwed and your better off fakeing out with j.d+Forward therefore tricking the opponent into trying a Jab Shoryuken. Likewise Anyone with any kind of super with invincibility frames gives this a problem, Rolento is basically jumping into a FAB if he does this against a full metered Zangief. Also watch out for people with Tactical recovery. I like this technique because it works against characters with out a high priorty command anti-air, example: Rolento, Vega, countless others, Im sure you know what I mean. It locks them back down and sets up Rolentos Gaurd Crush patterns. The fact that it is done deep means you can wait to see if the opponent will do a reversal roll, if they do you can come down with j.d+Forward and hit them with c.Forward as they recover. I'm gonna play around with this more. Im interested in seeing what can be done with crossing up with j.d+Forward since sometimes this move trades with Shoryukens. Posted by snk dude on 10:29:2001 04:08 PM: If you want to see a devastating Rolento you should watch Jason Nelson play ,He had a 60 win streak at SVGL last night,he even just defended John Choi's shin shoryuken. Posted by noswad on 10:29:2001 04:53 PM: Bastion: Vega doesn't have high priority anti-air? What's the name of that radiohead song? i gotta get it. NIN_CrimzinTerry: I usually use Rolento as Ratio 1 like yourself. I usually dump the other ratio points onto Iori or somebody. I don't really have a reason for it or anything tho. None of you guys play A it seems, but i'll pitch in my 2 cents in for the thread.. I just recently found out that you can anti-air CC with Rol's sweep. You have to do it deep so you get that invincibility (ducking CC is good). When they throw their attack, make them land on your sweep. News to me anyhow. Especialy for fools jumping over you with an attack. Posted by AZER on 10:29:2001 05:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bastion I tried playing Eagle for a while. I just couldn't make him work. How is he for you? Do you do ok with him? Not asking for strategy or anything, just wondering how you'd rate him. How do I rate him? Eagle is a pretty decent character. I use him as my battery for Rolento. What I really like about him are his normal moves. There very good. What Eagle lacks are some good special moves. I mean he does have some decent specials (QCB+LP, QCB+LK, QCF+P, etc...), but I still haven't found a good way to use them effectively. Like I said I only get to play this game a few times at arcades so I haven't really found out much about him. You know if you want to you can check out Apoc's thread on Eagle. It's a very good thread and I thank him for that. It's a in-depth look at Eagle and I suggest you read it if you are considering about using him. quote: Originally posted by Bastion I just high lighted that one sentence because one of the items I forgot to mention is that the majority of teams I play against are P groove. So when I'm in training mode creating stuff and testing stuff out my mind is focussed on, what happens if this is parried, I don't even usually consider rolling. Now I will, and now I'm going to consider the possibilities of your scenario. Well if the opponent doesn't consider to roll then after the opponent blocks the knife walk up a few steps and continue the same routine or if you think the opponent will try to counter attack then Delta Air Raid or Delta Escape and fool your opponent by holding back and Spike Rod (d+MK in air) so you can land on the ground far away from your opponent and you will be safe. You make a good point about the parrying the knife. That's the thing with K and P groove, they ruin your little strategy. In fact K and P groove can ruin everyone strategy if the opponent really knows how to parry and just defend. I guess you should just keep it safe and if they parry the knife then Delta Escape or Delta Air Raid. I never really looked at it in this prospective. Like I said I only get to play this at arcades and the opponents I was playing against had mostly C and N groove. I can't really answer that question because parry can stop pretty much everything. :\ quote: Originally posted by Bastion I like this technique because it works against characters with out a high priorty command anti-air, example: Rolento, Vega, countless others, Im sure you know what I mean. It locks them back down and sets up Rolentos Gaurd Crush patterns. The fact that it is done deep means you can wait to see if the opponent will do a reversal roll, if they do you can come down with j.d+Forward and hit them with c.Forward as they recover. Yeah this technique work great against those type of characters. quote: Originally posted by Bastion I'm gonna play around with this more. Im interested in seeing what can be done with crossing up with j.d+Forward since sometimes this move trades with Shoryukens. Yeah that Spike Rod(air only d+mk) is real nice. You can do the Fake Rod(on ground f+mk) if your opponent like to throw fireballs. I'm pretty sure the fireball will go right through the Fake Rod and nothing will happen to you and you won't be forced to roll or jump or anything. Anyway thanks for your opinions on what I learned with Rolento. I wish I can contribute more about Rolento but I don't get to play much. I'll let you know if I find out something more interesting about Rolento. Posted by Bastion on 10:29:2001 08:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by AZER You make a good point about the parrying the knife. That's the thing with K and P groove, they ruin your little strategy. In fact K and P groove can ruin everyone strategy if the opponent really knows how to parry and just defend. I guess you should just keep it safe and if they parry the knife then Delta Escape or Delta Air Raid. If Rolento has a level 3 and the opponent parries a knife then as soon as you land do the TNP, the opponent is in parry animation and won't be able to block, they can only parry the super if they press down before the super flash. I've done this som many times that now my opponent either blocks the knife or jumps backwards to avoid it. Posted by Bastion on 10:29:2001 08:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by snk dude If you want to see a devastating Rolento you should watch Jason Nelson play ,He had a 60 win streak at SVGL last night,he even just defended John Choi's shin shoryuken. I won't be able to make it to SVGL for a little while, since I live on the east coast, in Canada. What are his teams with Rolento? I'm just wondering what ratio he puts Rolento at. Posted by Bastion on 10:29:2001 08:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by noswad Bastion: Vega doesn't have high priority anti-air? What's the name of that radiohead song? i gotta get it. If Vega is recovering from a knockdown, Rolento is doing a deep meaty j.Strong, Vega's Flipkick WILL get beat because its priority is at the peak of the flip and Vega's flip kick isn't invincible like a Shoryuken is anyway. Or else when I play Vega I would be flip kicking Hibiki players limbs, unfortunetly the flip kick is a high anti-air it doesn't cover in front or below. Radiohead Album: Kid A Trak: Idioteque Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 10:30:2001 01:17 AM: Ya thats VEGA (fucking insane isnt it?) one of my main characters next to ROLENTO... ShinAkuma did mine he's friend from AZ... LOL useing EAGLE as a battery for ROLENTO!!!??? dude rolento dont need no fucking battery man he is the fucking battery TIMES 3...seriously though if the only reason you USE EAGLE is for battery for rolento dont...Rolento can build fucking meter like a bunny having SEX Posted by AZER on 10:30:2001 01:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by Bastion If Rolento has a level 3 and the opponent parries a knife then as soon as you land do the TNP, the opponent is in parry animation and won't be able to block, they can only parry the super if they press down before the super flash. I've done this som many times that now my opponent either blocks the knife or jumps backwards to avoid it. Yeah but if they parry TNP then you just wasted a level 3 super right? People that pick P and K groove usually know how to parry projectile type moves pretty good and the TNP is sort of like a ground projectile. So this idea wouldn't work 100%. Maybe it works on some opponents, but's still not a guaranteed hit. I rather do a Delta Escape or something rather than a chance to either land a TNP or lose a level 3. quote: Originally posted by ThE CRoW what or where is svgl??? SVGL = Sunnyvale Golfland It's located somewhere in Northern California. It's a place to have fun and play some miniature golf and arcades. Posted by AZER on 10:30:2001 02:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry LOL useing EAGLE as a battery for ROLENTO!!!??? dude rolento dont need no fucking battery man he is the fucking battery TIMES 3...seriously though if the only reason you USE EAGLE is for battery for rolento dont...Rolento can build fucking meter like a bunny having SEX Well I don't only use Eagle as a battery. It's just that I poke a lot and it builds up my stocks at the same time. Like I said I still haven't found a very good way to use Eagle effectively so the best I can do for the moment is to build stocks while I poke at the same time. I really need to play around with Eagle more often. You do make a good point though. Rolento can build up stocks very fast but I like to start the match with a few stocks ready for him so that if I land one then that will be about 60% on equal ratio. It's very useful to begin a match with full stocks in N groove. That alone give me a higher advantage over the opponent. Also a much easier victory for that round. Another thing to point out, I have my Rolento as a Ratio 2. You have him as a Ratio 1. So I need all the stocks I can get in order to win with Rolento since he is my strong character and my main character in my team. Go ahead and laugh at me if I use Eagle as my battery. All I know is once Eagle is gone and Rolento comes in with 3 stocks in N groove and I land a, then it will be one easy win for me. a bunny having sex... Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:30:2001 02:43 AM: .. oh ok, tnx azer, anyone know any good arcades in toronto?? damn man so far, anyways hey terry how the hell do u use vega man?? i know the guys fast but i dont know shit like combos or anything at all, is so freaking hard to combo his super too, oh and yeah bunnies havin sex.. just cant see how that would work, BUNNY STYLE, guess they just hop on each other for the next 3 mins or so... oh and yeah my team for rol, is rol/ken/terry, ken being ratio 2 Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 10:30:2001 03:04 AM: I dont do combos with VEGA LOL mainly pokes a lot of them and cross up with claw dive throws a lot cause hes so fast opponent cant think that fast sometimes...actually i was in the middle of writing a BIG strat on VEGA but i dont know when ill be done with it...oh and call me NIN, cause my name is ROBERTH and when you say Terry its like calling me another name thanks i could just post up what ive written so far on VEGA if you want...and then ask questions after my post and i can answer them... my team for ROLENTO is this in A groove i use ROLENTO/cammy/vega or flip flop vega with cammy and last person is ratio 2... for N groove ROLENTO/GEESE/VEGA flip flop vega and geese sometimes and last character is ratio 2 but the middle person varies from Geese, Iori, Sagat, and someone else drawing blank right now... actually i posted up the VEGA strat guide you can go see and if you have questions ask because i will answer...i left stuff out cause i rushed it.... Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:30:2001 07:54 PM: .. lol was looking through my room and found an sfa2 guide so i checked it and so rolento stuff that i never knew, like his string super(pardon me for not knowing any of the characters supers name, its in japanese.... ) anyhoo it can pass through fireballs when timed right, not sure if any of you know this but i just found this out, i was trying S groove man its not bad i like the dodge feature but i hate the fact that u can only do damageable supers when ur about to die,plus u have to charge....other than that it wouldve been cool Posted by Bastion on 10:30:2001 08:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by AZER Anyway thanks for your opinions on what I learned with Rolento. I wish I can contribute more about Rolento but I don't get to play much. I'll let you know if I find out something more interesting about Rolento. I've been experimenting a bit. Along the lines of using the the Mekong Delta Escape as a way to re-apply pressure on a downed opponent I've been figureing out the distances concerning his Scouter Jump. In Dash grooves throw the opponent with the punch throw, wait till they land, dash forward and do the scouter jump. With K thorw walk forward a little to position yourself for the cross-up. Crossing them up with j.Forward, or j.d+Forward/j.Strong can be used for other situations. The good part is that if you land a cross-up j.Forward you can do s.Jab, s.Jab, s.Jab, c.Forward -> Fierce Patriot Cirlce / TNP, or start a CC. All this applies to run grooves but with the run gooves you have to learn the run distances to use instead of Dash. By the way. The combo 'cross-up j.Forward, s.Jab, s.Jab, s.Jab, c.Forward -> Fierce Patriot Circle' does insane damage for a simple combo. I just accidently linked s.Jab into c.Forward and was surprised cause I didn't think he could do that. The combo does, I beilieve, 4348 points of damage. c.Forward -> level 2 TNP does 4830 points, so just picture the damage Rolento's Bread and Butter does! Posted by Bastion on 10:30:2001 08:13 PM: Re: .. quote: Originally posted by ThE CRoW lol was looking through my room and found an sfa2 guide so i checked it and so rolento stuff that i never knew, like his string super(pardon me for not knowing any of the characters supers name, its in japanese.... ) anyhoo it can pass through fireballs when timed right, not sure if any of you know this but i just found this out, i was trying S groove man its not bad i like the dodge feature but i hate the fact that u can only do damageable supers when ur about to die,plus u have to charge....other than that it wouldve been cool The Take No Prisoners passing through fireballs is common knowledge, and the reason why I said Rolento with a perservable Level 3 is trickier to play against. With a level 3, Rolento limits so many different characters options. The best is nailing Sagat when he tries to pin you down with a High Tiger shot, God I love seeing that sucker take it around the neck. Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:30:2001 08:24 PM: .. damn man dont have to embarass me like dat, i didnt know.... anyways wat else can it go through?? Posted by AZER on 10:30:2001 09:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bastion By the way. The combo 'cross-up j.Forward, s.Jab, s.Jab, s.Jab, c.Forward -> Fierce Patriot Circle' does insane damage for a simple combo. I just accidently linked s.Jab into c.Forward and was surprised cause I didn't think he could do that. The combo does, I beilieve, 4348 points of damage. c.Forward -> level 2 TNP does 4830 points, so just picture the damage Rolento's Bread and Butter does! Nice. I should of mention that earlier that his s.lp can link into a or a c.lp. So can either do s.lp X3, c.lp...or s.lp X3, I saw that in a combo video that was posted in the fourm by Zeroblue. The combo was performed in the corner. Taunt(bomb), s.lp X3,, Fierce Patriot Circle. Can you do me a favor? Check if his Fake Rod(f+mk while standing) goes through projectiles such as Ryu or Iroi or Rugal. If it can then it can be somewhat useful in a way. In theory, if it can go through projectiles, then the opponent will have no other options but to just not throw projectiles and stand back. Usually opponents throw a projectile to force you to jump or roll so they can attack you. But if you can Fake Rod through the projectile then you won't have to be forced to do anything and you will be safe. So can you please check if that works and see if he gets enough recovery in his Fake Rod? Thank You. Posted by Bastion on 10:30:2001 09:28 PM: The fame rod goes over the ground fireballs, but not the mid level ones. Rolento has better options than Fake Rodding over the ground fireballs though. If you can see the fireball coming than do the scouter and go into a combo. The reason I don't like the Fake rod is because it slows Rolento right down to a stop and I know he is better played moving around. Posted by AZER on 10:30:2001 09:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bastion The fame rod goes over the ground fireballs, but not the mid level ones. Rolento has better options than Fake Rodding over the ground fireballs though. If you can see the fireball coming than do the scouter and go into a combo. The reason I don't like the Fake rod is because it slows Rolento right down to a stop and I know he is better played moving around. Oh okay. I just wanted to make sure. Thanks. Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:30:2001 11:01 PM: .. i maxed my post so i just edited it, anyways yeah that is a good point, cant believe u can actually still get ryu out of his fireball super, but yeah too dangerous and like u said it aint everytime u got a lvl 3, so just roll then delta roll after that to avoid contact with whoever, or prob not since everything i just said in the past is usually corrected by bastion... oh well u know him better than me anyways, but im gonna master the guy because hes fun to use, im gonna try to use him with vice and vega Posted by Bastion on 10:30:2001 11:18 PM: Re: .. quote: Originally posted by ThE CRoW heck y dont u just do his string super( i really need to look the moves names) You need to predict the fireball, your String has to connect with the oppoonent before the fireball hits Rolento or else Rolento's usper is cancelled. And, this little trick only generally works with a Level 3 string Super, so it's safer to have general anit-fireball techniques rather than always assuming you'll have 3 levels. Posted by noswad on 10:31:2001 02:06 AM: Yeah, vega's flipkick doesn't seem good (NOOOO!! ) against meaties, but you could super tho couldn't you? I don't play Vega much but it works for me. How do you guys usually play Rol? A zoning/keepaway game, or an aggressive aerial/GC/combo game? Or maybe a mix of both? Thanks for the music info BTW Bastion. Posted by Bastion on 10:31:2001 02:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by noswad Yeah, vega's flipkick doesn't seem good (NOOOO!! ) against meaties, but you could super tho couldn't you? I don't play Vega much but it works for me. How do you guys usually play Rol? A zoning/keepaway game, or an aggressive aerial/GC/combo game? Or maybe a mix of both? Thanks for the music info BTW Bastion. Ya, whenever you read something talking about meaties remember, Supers and parrying is always the exception. I just didn't say anything because everyone should know that I'm playing pressure/zoning. I like to poke the shit out of the opponent and confuse them making them open themselves up for me to land a c.Forward on them. I don't usually get to gaurd crush cause they manage to runaway and I hate hunting characters down. Posted by AZER on 10:31:2001 03:04 AM: noswad: I play Rolento the same way Bastion does but with a bit more keepaway. I would go for the guard crush style of play, but Rolento is not as fast as he was in A3 and when the opponents guard meter breaks it doesn't decrease(the bar) as it did in A3. So it sort of not worth it(unless I have a level 3). I like to use his Stingers(knife) a lot. Helps to keep the opponent away a bit. Very interesting question. Posted by Bastion on 10:31:2001 08:58 AM: A groove Rolento got a notable mention by white while he was mentioning the current most played characters in Japan. It's interesting because although I knew a A Rolento was good I hardly saw A as his best Groove, maybe because I haven't seen him do a CC more than 8000 points of damage. If there are any A groove Rolento's out there that want to share please go ahead, I'd gladly listen. Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:31:2001 05:10 PM: .. how do u do his flip kick?? Posted by AZER on 10:31:2001 05:39 PM: Re: .. quote: Originally posted by ThE CRoW how do u do his flip kick?? His flip kick? You mean when he filps backwards and then rolls to the ground? I believe the move you are talking about is called Mekong Delta Attack and is perform buy pressing PPP, then P when you land to roll. Posted by noswad on 10:31:2001 05:52 PM: Well.. i'm not white but i do play A Rol. All i know is that his CC is nice damage, EASY TO DO, has good range, and can switch to decent GC if blocked. I find it's easier to make use of my meter with A-Rol than with other grooves. Maybe the japanese think he's good because of his mobility combined with CC abuse? A2 Rol could runaway, build up his meter at his lesiure, then when the opportunity arises CC you for FAT damage. Maybe it's the same thing? Rolento has great mobility, so i guess he can keep himself out of danagerous situations, and even runaway until he gets that blue meter filled up. But what do I know? I don't see Sagat being as strong as people make him out to be. It's cool that Rolento is considered "cheap" tho. Posted by Bastion on 10:31:2001 08:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by noswad Well.. i'm not white but i do play A Rol. All i know is that his CC is nice damage, EASY TO DO, has good range, and can switch to decent GC if blocked. I find it's easier to make use of my meter with A-Rol than with other grooves. Maybe the japanese think he's good because of his mobility combined with CC abuse? A2 Rol could runaway, build up his meter at his lesiure, then when the opportunity arises CC you for FAT damage. Maybe it's the same thing? Rolento has great mobility, so i guess he can keep himself out of danagerous situations, and even runaway until he gets that blue meter filled up. But what do I know? I don't see Sagat being as strong as people make him out to be. It's cool that Rolento is considered "cheap" tho. Thats the thing WHAT is his damaging CC?! I have one that does 8500 in the corner, but that is unrealistic. My midscreen/anywhere screen is: c.Fierce, c.Fierce, c.Fierce, c.Fierce, c.Roundhouse, c.Fierce, Scouter Jump, j.Strong, land re-jump, j.Strong, j.Jab, land re-jump, j.Strong, j.Jab, land re-jump, j.Strong, j.Jab, land, s.Fierce, Minesweeper This usually does around 7000+. But thats the thing. For characters to be considered good in A I thought they had to do 9000+ like M.Bison. Posted by Keits on 10:31:2001 08:49 PM: I dont know whats in this thread cause i didnt want to read it all... but i wanted to add something thats probably trivial and dumb. I did rolento's PPP, P move where he hops back then rolls forward like an idiot. To counter this act of stupidity, my opponent (blanka) did a beast roll! Rolento's pitifully stupid rolling attack beat blanka. They didnt trade, blanka fell down and rolento got up and promptly did his taunt. Posted by noswad on 10:31:2001 09:38 PM: Basically, I do the same CC as you.. (maybe fierces or something) > sweep > [s.rh > KK jump rh] until the corner > repeated s.rh > meter gets below 50% > s.rh > whiff jab > jump strong series x2 > s.fierce > grenade super. 7000+ points. I don't know what CCs the japanese are doing (i'm not in Japan ), but this seems to do the job. I think you have the wrong idea about what makes a good A groove character (no offense). Huge damage in CC is great, but not everything. Characters like Yuri, and even Iori don't dish out HUGE damage off their juggle CCs.. but they can be good in A groove. If I can do 50% damage with a CC that's not too hard to land, that's good enough for me. More about the runaway stuff.. Rol has good mobility but you would build meter MUCH quicker by connecting with your attacks. (more than twice as fast). So i guess more of a trapping/zoning strategy would get your meter the fastest. I dunno, maybe the Japanes are flying all over the place with crazy rushdown, building meter all over the place, and landing their CC whenever they get the chance. They have a habit of doing that.. Have you guys tried using runaway to win? If you have a nice lead, (against a higher ratio character maybe) you could try to run/turtle and wait for the clock to run down. I don't play like this though.. i just can't. Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 10:31:2001 09:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Keits I dont know whats in this thread cause i didnt want to read it all... but i wanted to add something thats probably trivial and dumb. I did rolento's PPP, P move where he hops back then rolls forward like an idiot. To counter this act of stupidity, my opponent (blanka) did a beast roll! Rolento's pitifully stupid rolling attack beat blanka. They didnt trade, blanka fell down and rolento got up and promptly did his taunt. Yeah man, that move has great priority. Even if it is retarded. Useless question: Did Rolento buy Jedah's laugh on Ebay or something? Do QCB+P if you don't believe me. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by noswad on 10:31:2001 10:02 PM: oh, some more stuff.. Rol can connect a CC if you kncok the out of the air with Knife, or the qcb+p>p attack if you're near the corner. You can do it midscreen (off the knife anyhow) but They have to be close to you and high up in the air (and I'm doing the knife?? I hope I don't get hit ). This isn't super good or anything of course, but it's there. You can look for safe falls with CC because of how long his sweep is. if you knock them down near the corner, lay down a meaty rh stinger, and you can CC afterwards if it connects. I don't have the reaction for this so I don't try it a lot. I usually do the sweep instead (or jabs/forward/fierce if I'm closer) which can combo (knockdown), or leave me safe if blocked (providing i'm at the right range, and they don't have a super fast far reaching super ). When the sweep is blocked, people sometimes try to retaliate and i can try to play off that and CC. If I did anything else, I usually try to cancel into another knife, qcb+p, KK, or just pushout. I usually do meaty stinger if i'm not too close out of habit anyhow.. I could probably get punished by some supers/etc but it doesn't happen too much so i'll keep doing it. If I do it well enough they usually get roll-friendly and I try to look for that and throw them back in, maybe meaty stinger, etc. If you can pin people with the knives and stuff well enough in the corner, you might see DPs popping out to stop your follow-ups so don't forget to hesitate sometimes and see what they do (I'm sure you know this already, but anyhow) or you could meaty taunt, and CC after the grenade hits them. If they try to hit you, the grenade can still hit them and you can link the CC.. depends on what they attack you with. They can always jump/roll/whatever but If I ever get it to work on anyone I'll have a good laugh. Posted by noswad on 11:01:2001 05:15 AM: Rol can do [d.forward > d.fierce > KKK > j.strong > j.down+forward x2] x 2, d.forward > d.fierce > tripwire. I'm pretty sure anyhow.. It's really hard. I know what you're getting at tho, and I think Rol may have many different ways of doing it. d.forward > d.strong x2 > d.fierce > KKK > j.strong > j.rh > d.forward works. This is in the corner but I don't see why he wouldn't be able to do it somehow midscreen. As soon as I started playing A rol I tried to see if I could make any A2/A3-type CCs.. I'm still trying to get the hang of the CvS engine which is why I don't miss run and short jump I guess. I'm happy to have Roll. Anyhow, this stuff is way too freaking hard to be practical for me (yet, heh). Maybe there's a decent confusion version? I'm sticking to the other CC for now. I will try what you mentioned later.. I guess this would be a CRAZY CC if you actually got it down pat. You got your fierces and stuff, and a super high hit count. Damn impressive too.. if someone pulled that on me I would bow down. The Crow: CC > sweep > [s.rh > KKK > j.rh] until you reach the corner > juggle with repeated s.rh > s.fierce x2 > grenade is not that hard and does ok damage. You can even let go of the joystick after the sweep. The grenade part might take some practice though. Posted by ThE CRoW on 11:01:2001 06:02 AM: .. tnx for the combo man, but what grenade?? the super of the taunt, gotta admit man that taunt is funny maybe even funnier that joes or sakura's, i might start usin n-groove and a groove, id like to use s, only if it werent for the charging and the low damage on the super. Posted by AZER on 11:02:2001 01:16 AM: Well I went to my local arcade today since they got CvS2. I tried out A Groove and K Groove for once. I might actually change to A Groove. Eagle(2)/Rolento(2) - A Groove Anyway I was doing this CC with Rolento... c.hp X4,, (, Scouter Jump, j.hp, land,) repeat 2 more times, s.hp, s.hp, cancel into Mine Sweeper(QCB,QCB + P) Also one time my opponent block a CC and all I kept doing was c.hp and rapidly and it took half of the opponent guard meter. The CC I did took quite a lot of damage. I believe it took over 60% against Blanka when I landed it against a opponent. It's a pretty simple and very damaging CC for Rolento. I just wanted to post something about Rolento. I'm trying to look for some sort of a anti-air CC for Rolento. That might make him more useful in A Groove. Posted by Bastion on 11:09:2001 04:15 AM: I haven't had much to post about Rolento this week since last week end I really sucked with him (was having a bad night). Right now Im just relaying this link from Gen. Gaming. Watch the video, rock out to the music, bump SRK only Rolento thread! Later fellows. Posted by chun_li1 on 11:10:2001 07:09 AM: Any one can confirm if his s. strong, fierce are good anti airs? In Alpha2 his s. strong was better it seems. chun_li1 Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 11:10:2001 04:58 PM: Re: .. quote: Originally posted by ThE CRoW oh ok, tnx azer, anyone know any good arcades in toronto Video Amusement on Brim and Eglinton is probably the best arcade in Toronto, go to the TOSF website to find the address and a CvS2 tournament next week will be held there. I'll post some Rolento stuff soon, but I have to read everyone's post first Posted by ThE CRoW on 11:10:2001 05:59 PM: .. tnx DRN i might check it out to see the tourney, and it doesnt say where the tosf arcade is, i know where orbit is though Posted by AZER on 11:11:2001 04:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by chun_li1 Any one can confirm if his s. strong, fierce are good anti airs? In Alpha2 his s. strong was better it seems. chun_li1 I never really tried s.fierce as a anti-air. I use his s.strong as a anti-air. I usually don't use his anti-air much unless I'm in the corner. I tend to either QCB+P(roll backwards), PPP (back flip), or QCB+K, hold back, (jump to wall and hold back, then land with if the opponent try to jump in. Posted by noswad on 11:11:2001 09:37 PM: AZER, you mentioned trying to find an anti-air CC with Rol. If they jump with an attack, you can activate last minute CC (ducking CC), then make them land on the sweep. I don't know exactly how trip guard works, but I have had this work for me. I think if they jump in empty, they can block the sweep (or DP?). Maybe they could cancel their landing into DP/super or something even if they DO throw they attack.. i don't know. Anyhow, if you ARE going to try this be careful if they are too close because you might slide underneath them. This can also be ok if they jump over you.. you can CC and reach them with the slide. If you have any results or anything I'd like to hear about it. I'm still trying to see how this works myself. Posted by Bastion on 11:12:2001 03:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by noswad AZER, you mentioned trying to find an anti-air CC with Rol. If they jump with an attack, you can activate last minute CC (ducking CC), then make them land on the sweep. I don't know exactly how trip guard works, but I have had this work for me. I think if they jump in empty, they can block the sweep (or DP?). Maybe they could cancel their landing into DP/super or something even if they DO throw they attack.. i don't know. Anyhow, if you ARE going to try this be careful if they are too close because you might slide underneath them. This can also be ok if they jump over you.. you can CC and reach them with the slide. If you have any results or anything I'd like to hear about it. I'm still trying to see how this works myself. Yeah, unfortunetly thats what Im using to. I wish you could just activate then do s.Fierce, but that doesn't knock down I guess. I'm having alot of fun with Rolento in A groove now. I can do his CC in actual combat, listening to the person your playing sigh as you start a CC is what makes play A Groove so much fun. My team most recently is Maki Eagle Rolento-2 or Rolento-3 with one of the others set to ratio 1, or just a ratio 4 Rolento. He really is the only reason I play CvS2 (or the only reason I played A2, and A3 for that matter). The only thing I can think that would make CvS2 the greatest game on the planet would be Hugo from 3rd Strike, but if he was anything like he was in 3rd Strike plus being able to use all his supers he would be broken. Wow thats a disturbing trend. A2 - Rolento A3 - X Rolento, V Rolento, A Rolento, V Cody 3rd Strike - Hugo CvS2 - Maki ...I'm a Final Fight whore but I've never even played Final Fight . Anyway back to CvS2, quite the Jab this guy has huh . Posted by AZER on 11:12:2001 04:18 PM: noswad: Interesting. I'll try that out next time I go to my local arcade. Thanks. Anyway did you guys check out groach's Rolento strategy video? Well I was checking out that thread yesterday and I saw a somewhat transcript of the video posted by groach. I thought I should bring the info here so that the other Rolento players out there that didn't see the video can get an idea on how Rolento is played and whatnot. quote: There is another Rolento's general attack mode : Jab, Crouch Jab, Crouch Forward -> Cancel KK Jump, Down+Forward in the air, then you have followings selections : 1.Jab, crouch Jab, crouch Forward, crouch Fierce 2.Jab, crouch Jab, crouch Forward, KK Jump again 3.After Down+Forward in the air, start Original Comobo when landing 4.Jab, Throw (Kick button throw is cool) 5.Jab, crouch Jab, Roll back (214+Jab), couch Roundhouse or wait for opponents's attack to use wire for counter (LV3 is preferable..) 6.Jab, crouch Jab, Jump to the wall (214+K), then Down+Forward in the mid air. To trick the opponent to use shoryuken or other anti-air moves, but they can't hit Rolento because this is a trap... then it's Rolento's chance when opponent landing... 7.Jab, crouch Jab, Roll back(214+P), Knife 8.When opponent gets up from the ground, Strong(closely), stand Jab, crouch Forward, Pipe attack (236+P) x 2. Then watch opponent's action to react. (ex : if opponent jump in, use Strong or Vertical Jump Jab to fight back) 10.Jab, Crouch Jab x 2, Roll back x 3 .... Then you can see Rolento roll to the corner away from opponent.... 11.Jab, Small Jump Strong -> Wire (Lv3 or Max) -- assassination combo 12.Jab, then do nothing just see what opponent will do ............there are still a lot of strategy, these are some examples.. Rolento is a hard-working player... You need to do a lot of command control on him then you can hurt the opponents some times, however hardwork is worthy ^_^! Posted by Post Man on 11:13:2001 05:54 AM: I'm having problems doing A grove custom combos. I've been trying the one: c.HPx4,c.HK,HK,KK,j.HP,s.HK,KK,j.HP,j.lp,(j.MP,j.lp),s.HPx2,qcbx2P. At best, I get in 2 of the jumping sequences. After that my success rate is virtually non existant. How does this CC rate on a scale of dificulty? Are there easier ones I can do? Is there a system for putting them together. I'd like to break it down into parts but the fact is, I've never got them high enough to land the super at the end. I can't even do all the parts bc I don't understand. Using Rolento on this grove would solve every problem he has. I'm finding my major probelm to be priority. sometimes I have to do way to much faking before I come in. The invinciblity frames would help my game alot. Also, about starting his cc. I'm under the impression its like SFA2 style CC's. If they are standing when you activate the cc, They can't block a Is this accurate? So what would be a good custome to start with this instead of the c.HPx4? BTW, Who is TheCrow and DeadlyRaveNeo? I thought I was the only Rolento player in Toronto. Where do you guys play? Most likely you'll see me at VA. I've played at Pacific mall in the past but don't go there now. Posted by AZER on 11:13:2001 07:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by Post Man I'm having problems doing A grove custom combos. I've been trying the one: c.HPx4,c.HK,HK,KK,j.HP,s.HK,KK,j.HP,j.lp,(j.MP,j.lp),s.HPx2,qcbx2P. At best, I get in 2 of the jumping sequences. After that my success rate is virtually non existant. How does this CC rate on a scale of dificulty? I haven't really played A Groove Rolento much, but I've done that CC before and there really is nothing to it. All I can say is just keep on practicing. Really, you only learn his CC by just practicing it. There isn't really some sort of trick or difficulty to it. Just practice. quote: Originally posted by Post Man Are there easier ones I can do? Is there a system for putting them together. Check out that article. It's was posted on the headlines at SRK Main Page a while back. It was written by BAS, one of the top Japanese players, and I suggest you read it and try to understand CC's and come up with your own Rolento CC that's easier than the one you posted. quote: Originally posted by Post Man Also, about starting his cc. I'm under the impression its like SFA2 style CC's. If they are standing when you activate the cc, They can't block a Is this accurate? So what would be a good custome to start with this instead of the c.HPx4? Yeah the CC's in CvS2 are fast, but from what I heard, you can't do that tactic from A2 effectively in CvS2. I believe that tactic your talking about is refer to as the "Valle CC". Anything can pretty much start a custom. If your opponent throws a projectile, just activate CC, c.roundhouse. Like I said I really don't play A Groove Rolento much but there are many ways you can start a CC rather than just c.fierce X4. Posted by Nightshade3D on 11:13:2001 01:50 PM: Since I don't have prior experience with many fighting games in the past besides Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for the past year and a half and CvS 1 for like 2 weeks, I'm having a bit of a problem adjusting to some of the tactics involved with playing CvS2. I only played Street Fighter Alpha 3 for about a week so that's all the experience I have from that game... As for Rolento, in my uneducated opinion, he's deadly in the N-groove. Two reasons: 1) He can get a level 3 take no prisoners using only 2 blocks of bar, which goes more than half the damn screen. 2) Short jumping forward with mp. I'm too busy getting into the mind set of this game to come up with any strategys. This thread is helping though. My team is: Nakoruru, Rolento[2], Sakura Posted by Bastion on 11:13:2001 08:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nightshade3D As for Rolento, in my uneducated opinion, he's deadly in the N-groove. Two reasons: Rolento is dangerous in every groove, S being his weakest because he loses anyway to do AMAZING damage since S limits level 3 supers so drastically. As far as talking about his top grooves I think the following order of strongest to weakest are fairly accurate right now. A C N P K S Want me to explain? A Groove gives him Roll, Safe Fall, Dash, and CC. CC is really great because he gains the invincibility frame making his CC useful in different situations compared to his supers. The only thing missing is the short jump. C groove is alot like A except he gets a perservable Level 3. N groove is in my opinion rated below C just because he has to break stock to use a level three Take No Prisoners. It gets annoying when a opponent jumps back and presses a button meaning you could hit them with the super since they have recovery when they land. But since you haven't broken stock you won't have enough time to hit them with it before they land. Other situations as well, like when a character wiffs ANY move or throws a fireball, by the time you realize your opponents mistake and break stock to use a level three its too late. Rolento does gain Short Jump so all this breaking stock problems are almost justified. P groove Rolento gains anti-air in the form of parry and a perservable level 3, and DASH! and Short Jump! yeah! If he had the roll in this groove he would be unstoppable. K groove...bleah! Rolento takes damage so badly already so getting hit purposely to get a super isn't cool. Next Rolento should be played offensively, not crouch blocking in the corner for just defends. I just don't like this groove with him, it seems to go against everything Rolento is, but then again it might work for some of you. S groove, well, I guess I shouldn't be rating him in S groove since I haven't commited to playing him in this groove yet. So maybe S groove can slip in anywhere. This is all so stupid anyway, like I daid he is dangerous in all grooves. Posted by Post Man on 11:14:2001 12:24 AM: What about using the CC for guard crush? is it worth it? you can practically crush the whole bar with a mix of's, d.lp's and's. Its not to hard to do. Might be a pain for someone in P,S or K grove since they don't get rewarded for blocking attacks. BTW, thanks for the help. I'm getting better with my CC's already. that article helped clear some points for me. Posted by noswad on 11:14:2001 03:11 AM: Post Man:It depends IMO.. If the opponent has a full guard bar, there wouldn't be much point.. (unless Rol has a 100% GC CC I don't know about) you waste your meter (potential 50% damage), and don't deal out any damage to boot.. they could even AC or something and take less GC damage. Maybe you can try chipping with pipetwirl stuff? You're better off trying to connect with your CC. If it happens to be blocked, well fuck it i guess.. GC away. You can try to eat an alpha counter. Watch out for counter roll tho. However, if you already have their meter low (flashing) you can go for it. If you can successfully guard break them, you get free damage. The bonus in this situation is that you can try to set up your CC to connect (more damage), but if it happens to be blocked, you have the opportunity to get damage anyhow! ^_^ Posted by Nightshade3D on 11:14:2001 01:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bastion Rolento is dangerous in every groove, S being his weakest because he loses anyway to do AMAZING damage since S limits level 3 supers so drastically. As far as talking about his top grooves I think the following order of strongest to weakest are fairly accurate right now. A C N P K S Want me to explain? A Groove gives him Roll, Safe Fall, Dash, and CC. CC is really great because he gains the invincibility frame making his CC useful in different situations compared to his supers. The only thing missing is the short jump. C groove is alot like A except he gets a perservable Level 3. N groove is in my opinion rated below C just because he has to break stock to use a level three Take No Prisoners. It gets annoying when a opponent jumps back and presses a button meaning you could hit them with the super since they have recovery when they land. But since you haven't broken stock you won't have enough time to hit them with it before they land. Other situations as well, like when a character wiffs ANY move or throws a fireball, by the time you realize your opponents mistake and break stock to use a level three its too late. Rolento does gain Short Jump so all this breaking stock problems are almost justified. P groove Rolento gains anti-air in the form of parry and a perservable level 3, and DASH! and Short Jump! yeah! If he had the roll in this groove he would be unstoppable. K groove...bleah! Rolento takes damage so badly already so getting hit purposely to get a super isn't cool. Next Rolento should be played offensively, not crouch blocking in the corner for just defends. I just don't like this groove with him, it seems to go against everything Rolento is, but then again it might work for some of you. S groove, well, I guess I shouldn't be rating him in S groove since I haven't commited to playing him in this groove yet. So maybe S groove can slip in anywhere. This is all so stupid anyway, like I daid he is dangerous in all grooves. Nice explainations. Like I said, I don't have much experience on this game at all. I would like to try out A-groove but I'm having a bit of trouble not only Guard breaking, but doing the custom combo right the first time. After about a couple a matches with a friend of mine using Rolento, it took me a while (after being frustrated as fuck) to realize that I was using him wrong. After that, I starting keeping away and zoning him in and mixing and matching his moves. He didn't touch me those 2 rounds. But after that, I was damn tired so I went home, I haven't had the oppurtunity to play as Rolento since. But thanks for the advice. Reading some of you guy's posts have made me realize that I'M A NEWBIE AGAIN. Posted by AZER on 11:14:2001 10:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bastion Rolento is dangerous in every groove, S being his weakest because he loses anyway to do AMAZING damage since S limits level 3 supers so drastically. As far as talking about his top grooves I think the following order of strongest to weakest are fairly accurate right now. A C N P K S This is a little more accurate list. All grooves can be played with Rolento but some just aren't as good as others IMO. C,A,P,N S,K I have to agree with you, Rolento can't be played fully in K and S groove. Both grooves limit Rolento a lot and doesn't offer as much options as in the other four grooves, but I could be wrong. Although K Groove allows power up, short jump, just defend ,and what not, but if you compare it to the other grooves then you'll understand why it's not very strong. As for the other four grooves, it's too close to call. There all good for Rolento. I mean I can go on how C Groove is better than the other Groove, but there are things C Groove lacks that the other Grooves have. All I want to say is that there isn't really a "strongest" groove for Rolento. You just choose your style of play and make it good. Personally I think N is better than C, but is really doesn't matter much because there are things both N and C lack that other grooves have. I just use N Groove because I feel more comfortable with it and it's my style of play. Don't just pick A Groove Rolento just because some Japanese players say it's his "best" groove. Just play how ever you want to play. Just play Rolento however you want to play him. As long as you have fun. Posted by AZER on 11:14:2001 10:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nightshade3D But thanks for the advice. Reading some of you guy's posts have made me realize that I'M A NEWBIE AGAIN. No problem. Rolento is a hard-working player so don't get discourage or sad when you lose. Just keep trying and practicing Rolento. Posted by Bastion on 11:15:2001 12:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by AZER This is a little more accurate list. All grooves can be played with Rolento but some just aren't as good as others IMO. C,A,P,N S,K I have to agree with you, Rolento can't be played fully in K and S groove. Both grooves limit Rolento a lot and doesn't offer as much options as in the other four grooves, but I could be wrong. Although K Groove allows power up, short jump, just defend ,and what not, but if you compare it to the other grooves then you'll understand why it's not very strong. As for the other four grooves, it's too close to call. There all good for Rolento. I mean I can go on how C Groove is better than the other Groove, but there are things C Groove lacks that the other Grooves have. Yeah, originally I was going to lump C,A, and N in the same tier but I wanted to break each groove down a little and explain. So maybe this will make me a bit more clear...(maybe) A>C>N>>>P>>>>>K>>>>>>>>S 100% > 99.9% > 99.8% >>> 85% >>>>>> 70% > 69.9% does that make sense? A, C, and N grooves are so good for Rolento that it is just a personal preferance. All three can be just as potent, it's all how you like to play. In my case I see great potential for the 12 frames of invincibility Rolento gains while activating a CC so I place A above C by .1%, a percentage that means practically nothing but my own biased opinion. N goes below C just because last weekend alone I lost the opportunity to land the level 3 Take No Prisoners about 5 times in a hour of playing simply because I didn't have a stock broken, this left a bitter taste in my mouth for N groove. Posted by WKDCLWN on 11:15:2001 02:00 AM: Thanks to everyone for the Rolento strats Just been starting to use him and every bit helps. Whassup Nightshade3D! WKDCLWNS will never die! Posted by Nightshade3D on 11:15:2001 01:19 PM: Thanks for all your tips guys. I started to experiment with Rolento using some of the strats that you give and they are helping tremendously! It's a freaking WCKD CLWN! HAHAHAHHA! *evil insane laughter echos in the backround* Wut up juggalo? You don't find many children of the Lotus around srk. Posted by noswad on 11:15:2001 01:37 PM: Really tho.. how many chances do you get to land lvl3? Even less with a stock broken. C is nice because you can sit on it, and always have the fear of lvl3. But once you bust a stock with N, nobody's going to be dumb enough to throw a FB or whatever so you can land your lvl3. C can wait for the opportunity, while N has to kind of force one. (my main gripe with N) C gets to sit on meter, N gets run and low jump. Look at his supers.. knife super? Bah! crap. Grenade super is pretty shitty too. Ok, it's alright, even good in some situations.. but if you use this, you don't have lvl3 tripwire, and if it's blocked you can be a sitting duck. :/ For about the same damage, and easier activation you can choose to have CC instead. Someone whiffs a sweep? slam two buttons. I don't know about you guys, but i ain't punishing a whiff sweep with lvl3 TNP just yet. This is the same ol "supers vs. CC" thing. Ease of use. Basically, Rol's best (and only worthwhile super to some) is his lvl3 tripwire. You can choose lvl3, or CC.. (C vs A). Tripwire has range and comboability. (it is a lot of times an anticipation super) CC however, can be used much easier on reaction, can be used to avoid attacks (drop thru/walk-thru), blow thru, if it's blocked you can try mix ups or GC either way you are still dangerous. Personally I find it much easier to land my CC, than it is to land a lvl3 tripwire. This is why I think A is the best. N is good, (when is it not?) but this "bust a stock and have my opponent turtle" is annoying to me right now. Posted by AZER on 11:15:2001 11:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by noswad Really tho.. how many chances do you get to land lvl3? Even less with a stock broken. C is nice because you can sit on it, and always have the fear of lvl3. But once you bust a stock with N, nobody's going to be dumb enough to throw a FB or whatever so you can land your lvl3. C can wait for the opportunity, while N has to kind of force one. (my main gripe with N) C gets to sit on meter, N gets run and low jump. Basically, Rol's best (and only worthwhile super to some) is his lvl3 tripwire. You can choose lvl3, or CC.. (C vs A). Tripwire has range and comboability. (it is a lot of times an anticipation super) CC however, can be used much easier on reaction, can be used to avoid attacks (drop thru/walk-thru), blow thru, if it's blocked you can try mix ups or GC either way you are still dangerous. Personally I find it much easier to land my CC, than it is to land a lvl3 tripwire. This is why I think A is the best. N is good, (when is it not?) but this "bust a stock and have my opponent turtle" is annoying to me right now. Well in that case if your opponent does turtle, wouldn't that be a good idea? I mean think about it, you got your opponent where you want him/her at. Since your opponent is in turtle mode, you have no fear of your opponent attacking or rushing you. So it will be a lot easier to guard crush your opponent, and land a free Level 3 Take No Prisoners. Also is a Level 3 Take No Prisoners really that important in N Groove? In N Groove, if you blow a stock then you strength increases by 20%. So what's the use in a Take No Prisoners when you damage increases 20%? I could care less if I don't land a Level 3, I have 20% damage and opponent blocking all my hits for a guard crush. I understand your reasons on way you think A is better than N, but still it's your style of play so don't think I'm hating on A Groove. I'm just trying to prove at point that N Groove is a great groove for Rolento. One other thing, there is more to Rolento than just Take No Prisoners and OC's(Original Combo)... Posted by Post Man on 11:16:2001 05:39 AM: I've predominantly used Rolento in N grove. I've kept quiet so far on my opinions but I have to say I agree with AZER. I'm reading crap like the level3 isn't available and I can't linch the guy for using fireballs. When I see a fireball I turn that shit on and whip out the level three. You just have to be fast, thats all. Trust me, It has the bonus that people don't expect it from N grove. Everyone likes a good hanging! Other groves have their benifits which I'm currently exploring. Right now people always turtle up against me. If I come in from the air, they usualy take characters with good anti air options. So, I'm exploring the bennifits of K, P&, A groves so I can play a more in your face Rolento. Rolento is my favourite charcter in the game. I want to know how to play him on all groves. Posted by noswad on 11:16:2001 05:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by AZER Well in that case if your opponent does turtle, wouldn't that be a good idea? In a way, yes. It is a personal preference thing. I just find it annoying to have it happen after i break a stock. Not just turtle, but runaway, and those openings I saw before are nowhere to be seen. Maybe if I played N more I could get used to it, and try to play upon it. :/ What setups do you use for your meter? quote: I understand your reasons on way you think A is better than N, but still it's your style of play so don't think I'm hating on A Groove. I'm just trying to prove at point that N Groove is a great groove for Rolento. yeah.. N rocks. I just can't get used to having a meter that runs out. I just feel more comfortable in A Groove. A has it's downsides too.. if you're not full meter, you're pretty much a nuetered C-groove character. :/ quote: One other thing, there is more to Rolento than just Take No Prisoners and OC's(Original Combo)... of course, but your meter is big BIG factor. And that's pretty much my choice when picking between A and C. Am I going to try to land tripwire, or CC. CC is easier to land IMO, so I pick A. N has other stuff like extra mobilty and counter roll to use up meter with.. But, I don't play N. Posted by Bastion on 11:16:2001 07:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by Post Man I've predominantly used Rolento in N grove. I've kept quiet so far on my opinions but I have to say I agree with AZER. I'm reading crap like the level3 isn't available and I can't linch the guy for using fireballs. When I see a fireball I turn that shit on and whip out the level three. You just have to be fast, thats all. Trust me, It has the bonus that people don't expect it from N grove. Everyone likes a good hanging! Other groves have their benifits which I'm currently exploring. Right now people always turtle up against me. If I come in from the air, they usualy take characters with good anti air options. So, I'm exploring the bennifits of K, P&, A groves so I can play a more in your face Rolento. Rolento is my favourite charcter in the game. I want to know how to play him on all groves. Hey, hey, hey now. Just relax a bit, no one is really arguing here, just chatting about Rolento stuff. It's not so much fireballs Im saying I can't punish in N groove, its things like whiffed sweeps and JAB Shoryukens, or using the Take No Prisoners as a reversal and punishing the Blanka ball type attacks. Half my strategy while playing is zoning. I absolutely LOVE to poke a little then retreat just a step back and try to persuade my opponent into wiffing a move like a sweep or a shoryuken, when I'm in N it is IMPOSSIBLE to punish an opponents wiffed sweep when you don't already have a stock activated. Last weekend I wasn't even able to activate a stock and punish a FIERCE Shoryuken let alone a JAB one. Of coarse when you know it is coming its really easy to say "you have lots of time", but when you have already thought a few steps ahead about what you are going to do because you believe the opponent is going to do a c.short then when they do a FIERCE Shoryuken your brain (well at least my brain) has to re-process all that. Re-processing is harder to do when your down to you and your opponent are down to your last character and all you need to do is land a TNP for the win. Posted by Bastion on 11:16:2001 08:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by AZER I understand your reasons on way you think A is better than N, but still it's your style of play so don't think I'm hating on A Groove. I'm just trying to prove at point that N Groove is a great groove for Rolento. One other thing, there is more to Rolento than just Take No Prisoners and OC's(Original Combo)... I guess there is more to him, but this is the only way he can do really outstanding damage. Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 11:16:2001 05:41 PM: DAMN this thread is still going!!! cool cool... i honestly think that A and N groove are THE BEST grooves to use for Rolento... ok im outi Posted by Post Man on 11:16:2001 10:43 PM: didn't mean to offend anyone. Well, I am thankful for everyone's input. But I have to evaluate what I read for myself. I'd expect other people to do the same with my comments. Still though, I'll chose my words better next time around. Sorry Posted by AZER on 11:18:2001 03:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by noswad What setups do you use for your meter? I don't quite understand by what setups do I use for my meter? Care to elaborate? quote: Originally posted by noswad yeah.. N rocks. I just can't get used to having a meter that runs out. I just feel more comfortable in A Groove. A has it's downsides too.. if you're not full meter, you're pretty much a nuetered C-groove character. :/ I understand. I can't play A Groove myself but it rocks. Posted by Nightshade3D on 11:18:2001 07:07 AM: What ratio do you guys suggest on Rolento? I was thinking of putting him on ratio 1 and having Sakura on 2 since I can do a hella more damage with Sakura. But I'm still experimenting. Posted by Bastion on 11:18:2001 02:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by Post Man Hey, were you at the Toronto tourney on Sat 17th? Care to explain some of the Rolento stuff you saw Prez doing, or anyone else? I wanted to goto that tournament so bad but I have way to much homework to justify playing games. Posted by Bastion on 11:18:2001 04:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nightshade3D What ratio do you guys suggest on Rolento? I was thinking of putting him on ratio 1 and having Sakura on 2 since I can do a hella more damage with Sakura. But I'm still experimenting. It really depends on what other characters Im using. Sometimes Rolento is Ratio 1 other times he is 2, 3, or 4. My favorite is Rolento in Ratio 3 or 4, mostly because Rolento is the only character I know how to play. Interesting thing happened yesterday, I was screwing with a K-4-Rolento against a Ratio 2 Terry. I did my Raged Super against a full health terry and the super took off 90%+. It was funny because after I did it you could watch the energy deplete, my friend and I were expecting it to stop somewhere around the 75% range but it kept going. My friend all of a sudden !gasps! when we see Terry with only a thread of life left. Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 11:18:2001 05:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bastion Hey, were you at the Toronto tourney on Sat 17th? Care to explain some of the Rolento stuff you saw Prez doing, or anyone else? I wanted to goto that tournament so bad but I have way to much homework to justify playing games. I was at the tourney too, but I didn't join CvS2, only MvC2, I don't think I'm up to par to join and my Rolento still needs a lot of work, I played on the other machine that wasn't used though. About Prez' Rolento, I'm amazed at how he uses Rolento, he uses A-Rolento If I'm not mistaken and he doesnt' really move as much as I would expect from Rolento but he keeps his distance properly and is really careful with his decisions on his moves. Posted by Post Man on 11:18:2001 05:41 PM: The two players in the tourny that played rolento were me and prez. me and prez discussed alot about rolento. But I can tell you this. the most important thing you have to play for is guard crush. thats the whole game plan. We had a difference of oppinion on some grove such as Parry grove. But the way he talked to me about playing for guard crush stuck. revolve your pokes around those. Personaly I'm switching to P grove in the future. I like the idea of being able to jump without any worries. But maybe its bc I play in toronto.In toronto parring is common bc we play alot of SF3. P grove might not be the strongest grove but it might be right for me. A grove is very strong. Prez feels it a dominating grove. Its a tough grove to play against, thats for sure. Prez's advice to me, stick to one grove and master it. good advice! Posted by Bastion on 11:20:2001 12:12 AM: nothing to add, but this thread is on page 3...well page 1 now. BUMP Posted by Nightshade3D on 11:20:2001 02:38 AM: When I use Rolento, I have a definate pattern that I can't seem to break once I get into. Here it is: At a distance, throw a hk knife, KKK,, roll, grap with hp, *repeat* How's that so far, of course that's not ALL I do but that's pretty much my pattern so far. What do you think? Posted by Lupid on 11:20:2001 02:39 AM: A-Rolento can do a blocked CC cr. jab cr. short cr. strong st. fierce XX KKK jump XX j.d. forward alot, then land and do it again until something hits and they can't block unless they're a superhero. I wish I didn't still freak out whenever I hit them in a CC. Mash Rolento owns anyway. Posted by Wake on 11:20:2001 06:18 AM: Was wondering how do i perform a kkk then jMK, then continuosly hopping on the stick, tried many methods but still cant get it to werk. coz i have seen from a video which shows rolento after kkk, jMK keep hopping on the stick(like fMK), some how escapes ground projectiles and trick the opponent into a fb then BAM! TNP lvl 3! Hopefully someone can enlighten me on this. Hope i phrase the qn clear enough... Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 11:20:2001 10:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by Wake Was wondering how do i perform a kkk then jMK, then continuosly hopping on the stick, tried many methods but still cant get it to werk. coz i have seen from a video which shows rolento after kkk, jMK keep hopping on the stick(like fMK), some how escapes ground projectiles and trick the opponent into a fb then BAM! TNP lvl 3! Hopefully someone can enlighten me on this. Hope i phrase the qn clear enough... actually pogo stick hops are done by doing the jump recovery fake out (pressing KKK as you land from a jump or from a KKK jump) again and again. Where can I download this vid ? I'm really interested in Rolento. Posted by noswad on 11:21:2001 05:34 AM: AZER By setups I mean.. well, how do you use your meter in N? When I bust a stock, most of the usual ways to use my supers dissapear.. No more FBs, jumps, etc. I never was really good at setting up Rol's supers anyhow. Nor do I play N much at all. :/ Posted by Bastion on 11:21:2001 05:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeadlyRaveNeo actually pogo stick hops are done by doing the jump recovery fake out (pressing KKK as you land from a jump or from a KKK jump) again and again. Where can I download this vid ? I'm really interested in Rolento. if the links are broken or they are too slow just grab my attention in #tosf if you see we are both in there at the same time. Posted by Bastion on 11:21:2001 05:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by noswad AZER By setups I mean.. well, how do you use your meter in N? When I bust a stock, most of the usual ways to use my supers dissapear.. No more FBs, jumps, etc. I never was really good at setting up Rol's supers anyhow. Nor do I play N much at all. :/ Opponent has very little gaurd damage left. activate. they become defensive. you gaurd crush. they eat super. Posted by AZER on 11:21:2001 06:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by noswad AZER By setups I mean.. well, how do you use your meter in N? Oh I see. Well either Bastion read my mind or he knows his Rolento. quote: Originally posted by Bastion Opponent has very little gaurd damage left. activate. they become defensive. you gaurd crush. they eat super. That's pretty much how I use N Groove Rolento when I blow a stock. Just play defensively, guard crush, Take No Prisoners. Like I said I get a 20% strength increase so Take No Prisoners isn't really needed unless I get the opening or guard crush. BTW for you Rolento players out there that didn't get the chance to download the Strategy Video posted by groach then download it here... Get it while you still can. For a somewhat version of the transcript look for one of my older posts in the thread. I believe it's on page 4. Anyone would like to comment on the strategy video? Posted by Bastion on 11:21:2001 08:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by AZER Anyone would like to comment on the strategy video? Yeah, I'll comment. Why didn't the opponent ever do a wake-up move! But seriously, I thought the video is a good reference. Because of the video I am doing a lot more Delta Escapes for mind games. Im also doing alot more wiff s.jabs then walking backwards a bit then doing another s.jab, just always trying to get my opponent to try something I can punish them for. Trying to make them afraid to move then I'd rush them down a bit, then I back off a bit, then rush it all back down. Oh wait...this was supposed to be about the video. Um, um, the music was cool. Posted by AZER on 11:21:2001 09:49 PM: Bastion: Now that you mention it, why didn't the opponent do a wake-up move? I guess the opponent must of been scared of Rolento or something. Anyway what is this about you making a video? From what you said in your post it seems like your making a strategy video, right? When is it going to be done? Posted by noswad on 11:22:2001 04:04 AM: I think Bastion meant "Because I have watched the video, I am doing a lot more delta escapes for mind games". The roll back,sweep, poke, rollback, sweep stuff was funny. Posted by Bastion on 11:22:2001 04:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by AZER Bastion: Now that you mention it, why didn't the opponent do a wake-up move? I guess the opponent must of been scared of Rolento or something. Anyway what is this about you making a video? From what you said in your post it seems like your making a strategy video, right? When is it going to be done? Well, my opponent used to always do wake-up moves but what you do is get close to the knockdown body and press s.JAB then a jab delta escape, if they do a shoryuken then you'll basically punish them badly. Eventually they'll learn not to do a wake-up unless they KNOW it'll connect. You probally already know this shit, its pretty basic. But maybe someone will get some help from it. I'm not making a strategy video, I suck. I die to ratio 1 benimaru, Kim, and Ken really badly. Oh, add Terry to that list as well . Posted by AZER on 11:22:2001 06:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by noswad I think Bastion meant "Because I have watched the video, I am doing a lot more delta escapes for mind games". Yeah your right. I read it wrong. quote: Because of the video I am doing a lot more Delta Escapes for mind games. What's in bold is how I read it. Silly me. quote: Originally posted by Bastion I suck. I die to ratio 1 benimaru, Kim, and Ken really badly. Oh, add Terry to that list as well . It's all good. Like I said Rolento is a hard-working character and you won't win all the time with Rolento. Hey I myself sometimes lose to my friends Ken. Posted by Sie Kensou on 11:23:2001 08:45 AM: Hello Just finished reading this thread, i must say, Rolento is worth using, and at first i thought he's just another loser character capcom put in the game, but he's really cool. Great job with the strats and everything. I'll try him out now and if i discover something that hasn't been mentioned i'll post it. Anyways, good job. Rolento ownz. thanks for your time. kensou Posted by prez on 11:23:2001 07:04 PM: Hmmmmmmm I guess every one plays rolento different, well for those who would like to know how I play him,strats,tips just ask mission complete Posted by Bastion on 11:24:2001 01:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by prez Hmmmmmmm I guess every one plays rolento different, well for those who would like to know how I play him,strats,tips just ask mission complete Instead of just giving away your strategies why don't you just explain why you think Rolento is a strong character, what groove you favour him in, and who you think are his toughest fights. Those are the things I would most like to know. Posted by Bastion on 11:25:2001 05:23 PM: bump Posted by Nightshade3D on 11:25:2001 05:48 PM: I have a question, the pogo jump with Rolento seems to only come out when it wants to when I do it. Is there a certain groove it can only be done with or something? Right when I'm about to land, I hit KKK but it only does it once in a blue moon. Posted by Bastion on 11:25:2001 06:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nightshade3D I have a question, the pogo jump with Rolento seems to only come out when it wants to when I do it. Is there a certain groove it can only be done with or something? Right when I'm about to land, I hit KKK but it only does it once in a blue moon. Ok, when you jump and do a move you know how there is a certain distance from the ground where if you do a move like a j.Fierce you can see the animation start but it won't ever get a hit box? We'll at about that distance press 3K. If you do it to late you just do the scouter jump. There really isn't anything to it and once you figure out the timing of it you'll laugh looking back at not being able to consitently do it. Just keep trying eventually you learn the proper distance from the ground to do it. Posted by Post Man on 11:25:2001 09:04 PM: if you want to pogo forward there are a few ways to do it. You can either a)leave the stick in neutral b)hold Down/Forard or c)hold Forward. I'm not sure about holding straight down but I usualy hold the D/F because its the most acurate for me. And to pogo backwards, you can either 1)hold Back 2)hold Down/Back The buttons, You only need to hit 2 buttons. I hit all three just for insurance. The timing on the buttons is around the same height you would try a cross up with him. Thats the best frame referance I can think of. The timing is where most people go wrong. Most people usualy hit the buttons to late. Once you get the timing for the first pogo just practice continuous pogo's in different directions and then try comboes off the pogo. That was my method. Posted by Bastion on 11:25:2001 10:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by Post Man if you want to pogo forward there are a few ways to do it. You can either a)leave the stick in neutral b)hold Down/Forard or c)hold Forward. I'm not sure about holding straight down but I usualy hold the D/F because its the most acurate for me. And to pogo backwards, you can either 1)hold Back 2)hold Down/Back Not to be annoying or anything, but when you are nuetral the pogo hop will go backwards. So basically Pogo backwards = 3K Pogo forwards = f/uf/df+3K Posted by Bastion on 11:26:2001 03:06 AM: Im new to CC's, my biggest problem right now is activating them when I should. I try to predict a move my opponent will do and its getting me into trouble. I just don't know when to do them. Posted by ghettoize on 11:26:2001 05:16 AM: This is an very important tip when your using C-rolento every chane you get use the qcb-2x-k supper why? The supper follows your enemy. i'll use lvl 1's all day long. -lamont- Posted by Post Man on 11:26:2001 08:45 AM: oops! sorry about that. It was a slip. pogo backwards is in neutral. I forgot to mention a couple others as well. U/F Pogo's forward. Up goes pogo's backwards as does holding U/B. I Also forgot mention that if you jump over the opponent you have to pogo backwards to get the appropriate direction you want. I checked what happens if you hold down. it pogo's backwards. Posted by Bastion on 01:19:2002 08:06 PM: Ok this thread is post knowledge of ZEN-KYAN Now Rolento's Delta Escape IS a Escape since he is invincible. If someone is jumping at you just do d,db,roll,b+K and you can get to the wall for free. His Scouter jump is invincible now as well, and his Patriot Circle goes through fireballs. I honestly don't know what to think about this. It's either broken the game really badly, or made it more intersting. Posted by noswad on 01:20:2002 06:56 AM: Zen-Kyan sounds gay.. Really, if you were really good at it and could do it basically everytime, your game totally changes. I don't think i'll be using it at all.. Except maybe to pass thru a FB with a taunt ^_^ If you have a special move that is normally safe even if blocked, now it is even crazier.. because it's INVINCIBLE, and if it's blocked, you're still safe. Seriously, what are the benefits of zen-kyan besides making your character MUCH MUCH better. now all your specials can have more invincibility that a freakin' Custom Combo! People complain that Customs have way too much invincible before! ^_^ How would this make the game any better? You shouldn't be able to anti-air with deep FBs or go thru FBs with patriot circle.. it's just wrong. I know I know "do what it takes to win" but if the game breaks down to using your souped-up-specials-with-more-priority-than-supers-for-no-meter, or (heaven forbid) counter-roll cancel into whatever special move you want to turn into your alpha counter then I don't want to play. I guess we'll just have to wait for the dust to settle.. Posted by Bastion on 01:20:2002 04:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by noswad Zen-Kyan sounds gay.. [snip] You shouldn't be able to anti-air with deep FBs or go thru FBs with patriot circle.. it's just wrong. I know I know "do what it takes to win" but if the game breaks down to using your souped-up-specials-with-more-priority-than-supers-for-no-meter, or (heaven forbid) counter-roll cancel into whatever special move you want to turn into your alpha counter then I don't want to play. I guess we'll just have to wait for the dust to settle.. I agree with alot of your points. Last night I was using Sakura's roll cancelled Hurricane kick as anti-air. I was fun, but I can see the novelty wearing off quickly once EVERYONE is doing this consitently. Posted by shadowcharlie on 01:20:2002 08:50 PM: any uses for j. mp? also i wanted to know what is the TNP property for behind rolento, i was rolento in red S groove and my friend jumped, i threw out tmp(stupidly) he lands behind me and gets caught in it? any ideas? it was a lvl1 by the way. Posted by Bastion on 01:20:2002 09:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by shadowcharlie any uses for j. mp? also i wanted to know what is the TNP property for behind rolento, i was rolento in red S groove and my friend jumped, i threw out tmp(stupidly) he lands behind me and gets caught in it? any ideas? it was a lvl1 by the way. His jumping mp is his second best jump in, i use it even more than his The even crosses up if you do it off the wall jump. It is easy to combo off. It has good priority, less than j.d+mk, but more than It's Rolento's best jump-in against parry groove! Posted by AZER on 01:20:2002 09:28 PM: Rolento j.strong is good. I use it quite often when I short jump. You can make a TNP unblockable off a short jump strong. What you do is you short jump strong then you instantly do the Level 3 TNP the moment you see the short jump attack get blocked. The Level 3 TNP freezes the character in high block frame, so it makes it unblockable. Also if your opponent doesn't block the short jump strong, then you can still combo it into a TNP Level 3. Posted by WiLD_DaIGo on 01:20:2002 10:43 PM: .. damn man u guys still check this thread, yeah btw its the crow here, just made a new account btw phat av AZER, just wanted to ask how exactly do i do a roll cancel, is it like i roll , then do a taunt while rolling??? Posted by Bastion on 01:20:2002 11:12 PM: Re: .. quote: Originally posted by WiLD_DaIGo damn man u guys still check this thread, yeah btw its the crow here, just made a new account btw phat av AZER, just wanted to ask how exactly do i do a roll cancel, is it like i roll , then do a taunt while rolling??? press lp+lk to roll, but press the taunt button in the first 1-3 frames of the roll. You shouldn't even see the roll animation. Did you ever try Kara throwing in 3rd Strike? Or Kabboti cancelling in SFA3 or CvS2? It's like that. This roll cancelling also applies to special moves and super moves. Posted by start2crate on 01:20:2002 11:19 PM: Wow, it looks like this thread has turned into a roll canceling discussion. I remember the olden days when all you had to do to win with Rolento was walk forward and jab. Posted by Bastion on 01:20:2002 11:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by start2crate Wow, it looks like this thread has turned into a roll canceling discussion. I remember the olden days when all you had to do to win with Rolento was walk forward and jab. That still works, but not as good as alpha 2 Rolento. I was playing Alpha 2 the other day, and my GOD that boy is about 2 times faster! His Scouter jump gives him meter. His c.Fierce reaches 2 times further than it does in CvS2. Amazing, and somehow he isn't even considered top teir in A2. If our Rolento had A2 Rolento's Speed, Range, and a 100% CC than nothing could stop him. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:13 AM. Show all 134 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.